Become a Michelin employee shareholder
Every year, Michelin Group employees have the opportunity to sign up to the BIB’Action Employee Shareholder plan via the shareaction.michelin.com website in the BIB’Action tab.
Eligibility conditions
To be eligible, employees must have:
• an employment contract with a Group company which has joined the International Group Savings Plan (PEG), based in an eligible country,
• at least 3 months’ service on the day of share issue price (continuous or discontinuous from 1 January N-1),
• still work for the company on the day of they subscribe.
For France, all contract types are included (fixed-term contract or open-ended contract, professional training contract, apprenticeship contract, etc.) whether active or in abeyance (on unpaid leave, parental leave, etc.). Interns, temporary workers and outside staff are not Michelin employees and are not eligible.
Outside France, the eligibility conditions for Michelin Group employees are stated in local documentation published to employees.
The total number of shares offered under the BIB'Action plans is set by the Group within the limits voted for by the shareholders at the Annual General Meeting.
Discount/Matching contribution
Eligible employees benefit from a 20% discount on the share price and a contribution from the company matching the shares offered, depending on the number of shares they have. (*)
(*) different conditions for UK
Since 2003, Michelin has had a Michelin Shareholder Committee made up of individual and employee shareholders. This committee's role is to contribute through its reflections to improving communication with individual and employee shareholders. Our employee shareholder members share their experience with you.
Fabien Marlin: As an employee for 10 years now, I chose to become an employee shareholder as soon as the opportunity presented itself to me. I have been investing regularly and confidently since then for several reasons. The stock gains value based on the strength of the group. By offering everyone the opportunity to become a shareholder, it reflects the sense of pride and attachment of employees towards the group and the CSR policy it has been pursuing for many years. By getting involved in the Michelin individual shareholders' committee, I wish to contribute to an ever-increasing participation of individual shareholders, including my fellow employees wherever possible around the world.

Myriam Vassaux :I have been an employee shareholder since 2012, when I joined Michelin. I have greatly appreciated being able to benefit from this very advantageous opportunity. My goal is to continue to acquire shares and hold them for as long as possible.

Vianney Leroy : I have been an employee shareholder since the first BIB'Action plan to which I was able to subscribe. The attractiveness of the offer had made me invest. I joined the Michelin Shareholders' Committee to understand the role of individual savings. On a daily basis, I work on the emergence of sustainable composites beyond tires. These future advances require investment and confidence. Michelin is committed to a People Profit Planet approach, which is essential to me. That is why, beyond the return, as a shareholder I save in companies in which I believe.

Abdelhammid Gherras : I have been an employee shareholder for over 10 years. Since then, I have taken advantage of Michelin's offer whenever possible: the opportunity to purchase shares at a discount on the purchase price and to receive a free share grant. This has allowed me to invest capital and receive dividends each year. Becoming a shareholder means owning a part of the company. I have been a Bib'Action relay at the Cholet site since 2022, I participate in internal communication, and joining the CAM allows me to extend this field to the national level.

Other ways to become a shareholder:
The Group may allocate performance shares to some of its employees via performance share plans. The decision to set up this type of plan was put to a shareholder vote at the Annual General Meeting.
Rights to shares allocated in this way are subject to a so-called acquisition period lasting four years: the shares will be acquired at the end of the period provided that the beneficiaries remain on the Group payroll during the four years of the acquisition period. The final number of shares issued usually depends on Group performance criteria.
Before being converted into Michelin shares, share rights do not offer the possibility of receiving a dividend, nor participating (and hence voting) at the Annual General Meeting.
An employee can buy Michelin shares separately from the BIB’Action plans, either through Société Générale (Account managed on behalf of the Company) or via a financial intermediary (Account managed by a bank or broker).
Any questions?
Find all the answers about the Michelin employee shareholder plan