WEBVTT 00:00:00.160 --> 00:00:02.840 align:center line:-1 Becoming an employee shareholder 00:00:03.160 --> 00:00:06.480 align:center line:-2 Hi Samir, I’ve worked at Michelin for some months now, 00:00:06.800 --> 00:00:10.040 align:center line:-2 and I heard that you can be an employee shareholder of the company. 00:00:10.120 --> 00:00:11.680 align:center line:-1 Isn’t that your case? 00:00:12.240 --> 00:00:14.400 align:center line:-1 Does it mean you own Michelin’s shares? 00:00:14.840 --> 00:00:16.320 align:center line:-1 Could you tell me how it works? 00:00:16.400 --> 00:00:18.000 align:center line:-1 Yes, I am a shareholder 00:00:18.080 --> 00:00:20.880 align:center line:-2 and that’s the case of more than 70,000 employees. 00:00:20.960 --> 00:00:22.800 align:center line:-1 You know Anna, it’s very easy 00:00:22.880 --> 00:00:24.800 align:center line:-2 because the company takes care of everything 00:00:24.880 --> 00:00:26.880 align:center line:-1 and it gives us a lot of advantages. 00:00:26.960 --> 00:00:30.560 align:center line:-2 Indeed, that’s more than one employee out of two, 00:00:30.640 --> 00:00:31.680 align:center line:-1 that’s a lot! 00:00:32.080 --> 00:00:35.080 align:center line:-2 Tell me, how do you become an employee shareholder? 00:00:35.160 --> 00:00:38.960 align:center line:-2 Because, honestly, I don’t know anything about the stock exchange! 00:00:39.040 --> 00:00:40.160 align:center line:-1 Of course, Anna. 00:00:40.560 --> 00:00:43.280 align:center line:-1 First, you should know that as an employee, 00:00:43.360 --> 00:00:46.680 align:center line:-2 every year we can buy Michelin shares at a discounted price 00:00:46.760 --> 00:00:48.000 align:center line:-1 compared to the market price. 00:00:48.080 --> 00:00:51.920 align:center line:-2 So it’s below market price, how much is the discount? 00:00:52.000 --> 00:00:53.360 align:center line:-1 20%! 00:00:53.440 --> 00:00:55.680 align:center line:-1 See, it makes a real difference! 00:00:55.760 --> 00:00:57.560 align:center line:-1 Yes, I hear you, 00:00:57.640 --> 00:01:00.600 align:center line:-2 but the stock exchange is still risky, isn’t it? 00:01:00.680 --> 00:01:03.920 align:center line:-2 For sure, there is always the risk that the share price will fall. 00:01:04.000 --> 00:01:07.040 align:center line:-2 It is constantly evolving according to supply and demand, 00:01:07.120 --> 00:01:10.080 align:center line:-2 the company’s perspectives, the economic situation 00:01:10.160 --> 00:01:13.640 align:center line:-2 or the sector of activity as well as geopolitical events. 00:01:13.720 --> 00:01:17.360 align:center line:-2 Past performance is not indicative of future performance. 00:01:17.440 --> 00:01:19.560 align:center line:-1 So you have to accept the risk? 00:01:19.640 --> 00:01:22.440 align:center line:-2 That’s kind of true, but to reduce this risk, 00:01:22.520 --> 00:01:24.240 align:center line:-1 in addition to the discount, 00:01:24.320 --> 00:01:26.840 align:center line:-2 Michelin offers a matching contribution in shares. 00:01:26.920 --> 00:01:30.400 align:center line:-2 Also, the fact that BIB’Action is now every year, 00:01:30.480 --> 00:01:34.640 align:center line:-2 gives us the opportunity to buy shares at preferential terms more frequently, 00:01:34.720 --> 00:01:36.640 align:center line:-1 at a price set for each plan, 00:01:36.720 --> 00:01:39.920 align:center line:-2 thus mitigating the risk linked to your investment. 00:01:40.000 --> 00:01:41.800 align:center line:-1 All right, I got it, 00:01:41.880 --> 00:01:44.000 align:center line:-1 so what’s a matching contribution? 00:01:44.080 --> 00:01:45.320 align:center line:-1 It’s very simple, 00:01:45.400 --> 00:01:47.560 align:center line:-1 when you buy one or several shares, 00:01:47.640 --> 00:01:50.000 align:center line:-2 Michelin offers a matching number of shares! 00:01:50.080 --> 00:01:53.920 align:center line:-2 For each plan, you basically have to take a look at the company’s offer 00:01:54.000 --> 00:01:55.800 align:center line:-1 based on your initial investment. 00:01:55.880 --> 00:01:59.120 align:center line:-2 And then, there’s no banking fees. Michelin covers them. 00:01:59.200 --> 00:02:01.080 align:center line:-1 That’s cool! 00:02:01.160 --> 00:02:03.480 align:center line:-1 There are significant advantages! 00:02:03.560 --> 00:02:05.000 align:center line:-1 So what’s the downside? 00:02:05.080 --> 00:02:09.360 align:center line:-2 Well, in return you must keep your shares for at least 5 years. 00:02:09.440 --> 00:02:12.240 align:center line:-2 During this period, subject to the company’s decision, 00:02:12.320 --> 00:02:16.200 align:center line:-2 you will receive dividends proportionally to the number of shares you hold, 00:02:16.280 --> 00:02:18.760 align:center line:-1 just like any Michelin shareholders. 00:02:18.840 --> 00:02:20.600 align:center line:-1 As an employee shareholder, 00:02:20.680 --> 00:02:24.320 align:center line:-2 you also get information about the Group’s evolution and management 00:02:24.400 --> 00:02:27.440 align:center line:-2 and vote resolutions at the Shareholders Meeting. 00:02:27.760 --> 00:02:29.720 align:center line:-1 Five years is quite long. 00:02:29.800 --> 00:02:32.960 align:center line:-1 What happens if I need my money before? 00:02:33.040 --> 00:02:35.880 align:center line:-1 Say to buy an apartment in 2 or 3 years. 00:02:35.960 --> 00:02:37.160 align:center line:-1 It’s possible. 00:02:37.240 --> 00:02:39.280 align:center line:-1 There are several cases of early release 00:02:39.360 --> 00:02:41.360 align:center line:-2 depending on the country where you subscribed. 00:02:41.440 --> 00:02:43.160 align:center line:-1 Buying a home is one of them. 00:02:43.240 --> 00:02:46.280 align:center line:-1 OK, and if not, at the end of the 5 years, 00:02:46.360 --> 00:02:49.480 align:center line:-2 you can sell everything and get back the money that you invested? 00:02:49.560 --> 00:02:53.160 align:center line:-2 Yes, you will be able to sell all or part of your shares. 00:02:53.240 --> 00:02:55.360 align:center line:-1 And of course, you can keep them as well! 00:02:55.440 --> 00:02:58.280 align:center line:-2 The amount you’ll get will depend on the stock market price 00:02:58.360 --> 00:03:00.240 align:center line:-1 on the day you decide to sell. 00:03:00.320 --> 00:03:01.520 align:center line:-1 Super. 00:03:01.600 --> 00:03:03.880 align:center line:-2 And if I have any questions, who can help me? 00:03:03.960 --> 00:03:05.600 align:center line:-1 As soon as you’ve subscribed, 00:03:05.680 --> 00:03:09.720 align:center line:-2 the Société Générale bank will create a Shareinbox account for you. 00:03:09.800 --> 00:03:12.040 align:center line:-2 You can contact their customer service at any time, 00:03:12.120 --> 00:03:14.400 align:center line:-1 or your employee shareholder contact. 00:03:14.800 --> 00:03:17.680 align:center line:-2 You will find all the information on employee shareholders 00:03:17.760 --> 00:03:21.240 align:center line:-1 on www.shareaction.michelin.com. 00:03:21.320 --> 00:03:23.800 align:center line:-2 There is also the Michelin Shareholders’ Committee, 00:03:23.880 --> 00:03:26.400 align:center line:-1 which includes three employee shareholders 00:03:26.480 --> 00:03:29.200 align:center line:-1 who may be contacted in case of questions. 00:03:29.280 --> 00:03:32.920 align:center line:-2 Thank you, Samir, for your great explanations, it’s very clear.